April 20, 2011

It's Been Awhile

It has been a good long while since I have posted on this blog. Time really got away from me. Last winter I cooked a LOT in my wood stove through the winter. Then Spring came with sooooo much rain that it was impossible to cook outside over wood, which I had planned to do and then blog it on here, along with a few scrumptious pics.

Then we went straight to the EXTREME heat of Summer and it was too hot and dry to light a fire of any kind. Fall was dry and windy, making fires dangerous. Plus, I had broken my leg in the early Summer and getting around was kind of hard.

Then Winter came again ..... ohhhh, did Winter ever come!! We had so much snow, and it seemed the cold would last forever ..... and at one point, we had the coldest temps we have ever had here in my lifetime. To keep warm, along with my regular firewood, I had to add in some wood that burned hot, but wasn't good for cooking on. I tried a time or two and burnt my dinner to a black crisp!  No, I'm not going to show you pics of that, ha, ha.

Now we are back to Spring again. And this time it is the driest Spring I think I have ever seen, at least in a long time. The rains keep getting close to me, sometimes dancing all around me, but some how they keep missing me. I am having charcoal withdrawals, here. I am dying to BBQ something. Even got some new, delicious looking BBQ Sauces the other day to try. But we are under a very strict burn ban already, and have been for weeks. Wildfires seem to be raging all around and the smell of smoke in the air is almost constant. The winds are so high that quite a few trees are toppled down all over the area, and there is usually a thick haze in the air from the smoke. People all over are coughing and sneezing all day. And at night, there is a glowing orange haze over the moon from all the day's wildfire smoke. It's kind of pretty in a sad sort of way.

I don't want a gulley washer or a monsoon, and I don't want any hail, tornadoes or damaging lightening, but I DO want a good, long, soaking rain to moisten everything up so me and my smoker can have an all-day date! And when I do, I will tell you all about it on here. 

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