February 27, 2010

Baked Sweet or White Potato

1 large sweet potato or white baking potato (or any size you desire)
1 sheet of heavy duty aluminum foil
Butter and other toppings of your choice

Thoroughly scrub potato clean. Cut out any bad spots (Be careful. Uncooked sweet potatoes are very hard and your knife will slip easily). Do NOT dry your potato.

Place your very damp potato on your sheet of foil, making sure the shiny side of the foil is UP.
Completely wrap your potato up in the foil, folding one end of the foil over one side of the potato, and the other end over the other side.

Method 1: Place thoroughly wrapped potato inside your wood stove, close to but not in or touching the coals. Keep away from actual flames.

Method 2: At the edge of your campfire, using your camp shovel, carefully scratch and scoot out an opening in the center of a bed of glowing coals. Place your wrapped potato in the cleared opening. Make sure the coals surround the potato, but do not touch it.

Periodically turn your potato while it is cooking so it will cook evenly. Be patient and let your potato slow cook for 1 to 3 hours ...... cooking time depends on the size of the potato and the temperature of the fire/coals. Do NOT open up the foil before your potato has finished cooking. This will cause it to dry out and cook unevenly.
Test to see if your potato is done by gently squeezing it or pressing on it with your small fire shovel. {Be extra careful as the potato and the foil can get extremely hot!  Use of a heat safe protective mitt is strongly suggested.  Do not stick your bare hand in the fire, nor grab hold of the foil with it!} When your potato is done, you will be able to feel the "give" in it all the way to the center (Do not press it all the way to the center and smash it, you will simply be able to feel that it is soft all the way through.).

When potato is completely cooked, remove from fire with tongs or your fire shovel. Open the foil VERY CAREFULLY keeping in mind that hot steam will probably come pouring out. This steam will burn very fast and possibly over a large area of skin. I like to stand way back and use my hot dog roasting stick to open mine. Split potato open with a knife. If using butter, add it immediately so it will melt in. Add any other toppings you enjoy on your baked sweet or white potato and ENJOY!!!

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